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To read records from a Kafka cluster using the consumer API in Java, you will need to follow these steps (written by OpenAI ChatGPT). Add the following dependency to your pom.xml file. Import the necessary Kafka classes in your Java file. Create a KafkaConsumer object by setting the necessary configuration properties. Subscribe to the topic you want to read from. Poll for new records using the poll() method of the KafkaConsumer object. Close the consumer when you are finished. That’s it! That’s how you read records from a Kafka cluster using the consumer API in Java.
To write records to a Kafka cluster using the producer API in Java, you will need to follow these steps (written by OpenAI ChatGPT). Add the following dependency to your pom.xml file. Import the necessary Kafka classes in your Java file. Create a KafkaProducer object by setting the necessary configuration properties. Create a ProducerRecord object with the topic, key, and value you want to send. Send the record to Kafka using the send() method of the KafkaProducer object. Close the producer when you are finished. That’s it! That’s how you write a record to a Kafka cluster using the producer… Read more
I asked OpenAI to ask itself something and it did ask “What can I do to make today meaningful?”. The following was the answer. There are many things you can do to make today meaningful. Here are a few ideas: Ultimately, the key to making today meaningful is to do something that brings you joy, fulfillment, or a sense of accomplishment. By focusing on what makes you happy and fulfilled, you can make today a meaningful day.
MotherTell your children not to walk my wayTell your children not to hear my wordsWhat they meanWhat they sayMother